The Pejepscot Historical Society serves the Pejepscot region of Brunswick, Topsham and Harpswell. Established in 1888, it is one of Maine's oldest historical organizations, maintaining three museums and a comprehensive research collection.
It operates three facilities: the Pejepscot Museum and Research Library, the Skolfield-Whittier House, and the Joshua L. Chamberlain Museum.
Selected Pejepscot Historical Society images:
- John and Maria L. Furbish, Brunswick, 1863
- Furbish House, Brunswick, ca. 1880
- Federal Street, Brunswick, ca. 1890
- Boody-Johnson House, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ca. 1880
- Dee's Ice Cream cone wrapper, Brunswick, ca. 1955
- Paper Mill, Topsham, ca. 1880
- The Mummy Club or Mummies Club, Brunswick, ca. 1879
- Canoe Club float, Brunswick, 1889
- Odd Fellows Block, Brunswick, ca. 1890
- Stove, Brunswick, ca. 1925
- Baseball Championship, Brunswick, 1894
- Corner of Mason and Maine Streets, Brunswick, c. 1890